What fun winter can be, huh? -40C/F. You know that's where they meet. Those two letters that essentially is trying to tell the same thing, but in impossibly different numbers, requiring a formula that no one in their right mind should have to remember. It's kind of like trying to remember all the numbers of Pi. In California I learned to tell the difference by that 100F was really hot, much more so than we'd ever get in Celsius Norway. In New York I learned that 90F plus 60% humidity was outright obnoxious, and those were the kind of days where you'd stay inside in front of your air conditioner. In Alaska the two have finally met. Celsius and Fahrenheit have become friends as far as I'm concerned, because here, the other day, the two joined forces on a big, red 40. It's the point where everything becomes very difficult; the propane liquifies, the generator quits, the car died about 20 degrees ago, and even the dogs take a day off. It was the kind of day when things get done, around the house, kennel and strangely enough it was a beautiful day to spend outside.