Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Busted Wires

I'm wired. Not from coffee, but there are wires everywhere in my life. Most everything I own requires a wire of some sort, and here I was, thinking I had simplified my life by going north. Not so much. My computer needs one, as does my camera's battery charger, and my external harddrives where I store my photographs. There are also wires running between all the aforementionned devices, and sometimes I think one goes into my head, just to mess things up. This makes things complicated when you don't have anywhere to plug said wires in, considering there's no electricity where we are. I used to think that was my biggest problem, concerning the wires. Until one day, xmas eve, the wire that decides what I look at on my computer screen decided to take a break and break. Now I have flimmering strings of LCD swimming across a screen that used to be my neatly organized desktop, and for the first time in a month I wish I was in proximity of an Apple Store with an overcrowded Genius Bar, and someone with an answer to my sick Mac.