Monday, December 3, 2007

Brand New

The other day I sat on my camera. I’ve sat on many things in my life, once I sat on my napkin ring and flattened it completely. This would have been fine had it not been for it being a family heirloom and previous owners include something like my great-great-grand-goat or of the like. Which upset my folks. Regardless, I sat on my camera and broke the LCD screen, which makes the LCD screen look like it’s been on LSD, creating all kinds of swirly art where my exposures should be shown. It happened in an art gallery, just to make the picture perfect. Now it's practically useless, and this on the eve of one of my adventures, an inconvenience I could be without. However, as I ponder this predicament I’ve put myself in by sitting on my camera I’ve discovered that this camera, a little thing which nestles nicely in my pocket, has gotten a younger brother, which apparently don’t have all the flaws mine has. So, this is the question that only a poor person with no reasoning whatsoever will ask; did I sit on my camera so I could get the new, improved version? I think not, but yet I will.