Thursday, October 25, 2007


Insomnia. It's just one of those things that kicks in now and again. The work of a churning mind, sleep's true poison. As I battle this temporary disease, I look through pictures, trying to get organized, which is the whole reason my mind is spinning anyway. Vicious cycle. I found this one from last month, taken five feet from my front door. I saw it and remembered I liked the signs, which made me want to ramble about signs for a page, but then the lady made me yawn. Which is when I realized that would be a sign not to write about signs, and also when it came to me that yawning is contagious. My insomniac self went on a mission to find out why, and ten minutes plus many search engines later, I found out that nobody can really say. Basically they think we yawn because of self awareness. It's the compassionate thing to do. With that I send this yawn around the world. Did it work?