One of the trials of living in New York is that work never stops. Especially if work generally happens in a time zone six hours away. So when Verizon, our internet company, occasionally, which is actually often, shut off our i-net, it can get tricky to meet deadlines. Last night the rude man on the phone had no answers, so I set off on a search for a signal in the hood. This midnight stroll with apple under arm was conducted in a neighborhood that isn't the best around that time of night. Add to the fact that it's late october and zombies patrol the streets, I became a little concerned with my stoop surfing. Apparently everyone around here are Verizon users, so after an hour I found a signal a mile away. All because someone cut a wire while digging a hole around the corner. Thinking about how many wires are in the ground under my step, it made me grateful we don't have them above us like this township in Cape Town.