Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Falling Water and Another Moose

I never thought I’d admit to this, but my average shower these past three months have been something like twice a week. If that. There’s no running water here, people fetch water in huge water-tanks on the back of their disintegrating pickups, which leaves for a smelly town where stinky applies to all and no one cares. I have to say, not showering makes you appreciate the greeks for coming up with something so wonderful as an in-house waterfall. The lightness of your hair afterward, the smell of shampoo, soap and clean armpits, stains you hoped were bruises turning out to be just dirt, things I had no idea to put on my top-5 list is now my entire top-5. I salute you, shower, as my new salvation from being sullied.
Cleanliness is next to godliness. Or so I like to think.

In other news Bridget The Moose has sent reinforcements to the ongoing war, and now Ophelia has appeared with a calf in tow. I think we've collectively thrown our hands in the air and declared this to be a moose state.