Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Animal Farm

We went to Animal Farm. It isn’t exactly Animal Farm in that there are no Napoleons or Snowballs, and the animals don't speak human. It's an animal sanctuary for animals in need of general sanctions. As it were, these creatures of the wild got themselves into a bit of trouble, and lost the ability to care for themselves, hence a non-profit stepped in and saved them from Darwins rule. There’s the three legged moose and the orphaned caribou, the clipped-wing bald eagle and a whole array of other animals whose wild ways were cut short by fate. Now these disillusioned, disenfranchised, distraught, displaced and overall dissed creatures can live out their years in a beneficial environment close to their old one. We, on the other hand, can get the true wilderness experience without even exiting our car. Which is optional on the 1.5 mile stroll that is the park.