Tuesday, February 5, 2008


There was all kinds of excitement going on last night as I checked into a hotel and found that it had a few amenities I didn't realize how much I missed.

King size bed. And it's all mine. It's not a desk, carpet, floor or foam pad. It's an actual bed on which I can spread whichever way I want without fear of falling off, poking my feet in someone's nose, or freeze to the window.

Electricity. So far I've managed to plug something into every socket in the room, two external harddrives, one smaller external, my card reader, computer, battery for camera, battery for phone, so much so that there's none left for the lightfixtures in this cream colored room.

TV. Who'd have thought that the box would be so welcomed back, only to find that there's nothing on of any interest. There are seven channels devoted solely to the race for president, three for sports, one for Alaska with reruns of the same tourism ads, as well as the usual cartoons and Law and Order reruns.

And then, as the day went to night, and the night turned into an all night work thing, I discovered that the bed had those annoying covers that insist on being stuck under the mattress, the TV was only showing reruns of reruns I'd already seen, at a previous hotel stay, I'm sure, and the electricity, well, let's just say it's shocking me all over the place. I guess the combination of an all wool outfit, dry winter air and 40 below will make your fingers spark every time you touch your computer. Ouch.

So as the second day at the hotel goes into night, I long for my sleepingbag, my headlamp and maybe a nice comfortable desk to sleep on.